Wellness Activities
Discover Himalayas offers a range of holistic wellness retreat packages incorporating lifestyle based goals such as relaxation, rejuvenation, purification, health, slimming and stress release and wellness management as well as recreational harmony diving and snorkeling.
Discover Himalayas wellness Packages include accommodation and all meals sunrise meditation and yoga, spa and four hands ayurvedic treatments and recreational and cultural excursions as specified in the package.
Discover Himalayas package guest receives free holistic wellness consultation with the residential ayurvedic and naturopathy doctors including dosha, constitution and ailments assessment as well as mindfulness and personal development. Note that your selected package wellness program will be adapted in line with your personal aims and goals, also including specific diet and detox as relevant.
Let's marvel at temples, forts and palaces, go shopping for unique gifts, ride elephants, eat and learn how to cook traditional Indian cuisines, experience yoga and tranquility and be consumed by all that is Indian.
Achieve Health & Happiness, while meeting compatible people, Friends and Experts Who can improve our life.
Wellness Program Activities Offered By Discover Himalayas :



Ayurvedic Food


Past Life regression

Pranik Healing

Tarrot Card Reading

Life counselling


Detoxification & Destressing of complete Body & Mind by Yoga

Ayurvedic Massage & Panchkarma

Health Counselling by Astrochart consultation